March 7, 20241:16 am

Skill Up! Your Guide to Thriving in the New Job Market (with a Skill-Matching Twist!)

Author: Erin Tanner

Hey there, career climbers! This month, we’re diving into the hottest trend shaking up the world of work: Skills-first hiring. Forget the days when a degree was your golden ticket. Now, employers are hungry for real-world skills and experience, making this the perfect time to supercharge your career.

Why the shift? Buckle up, because it’s a wild ride:

So, how do you conquer this new skills-based landscape? Here’s your battle plan:

Now, here’s the exciting part: Unearthing your hidden skill potential and learning how to communicate them can be easier than you think! Introducing Journeys Map’s Skills Matcher assessment, a free, 10-minute online tool that matches your unique skills with potential careers.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Answer a series of questions about your skills and interests.
  2. The assessment analyzes your responses and identifies Best Fit, Great Fit, and Good Fit career options for you.
  3. Get a personalized report highlighting the skills that make you a perfect match for these careers.


Ready to unlock your true career potential? Head over to and take the Skills Matcher assessment today! It’s fast, fun, and your key to thriving in the skills economy!