Smooth Transitions for Military Families

Military service members and their families face unique challenges during the transition to civilian life. At Journeys Map, we appreciate these challenges and are here to help. We support National University, a Veteran-founded nonprofit that’s been a guiding light for military-affiliated students since 1971. National University’s commitment to support for non-traditional students has earned them Gold status as a Military Friendly School and also a Top 10 Military Friendly Spouse School for 2024.

Turning Military Skills Into Civilian Success

One of the biggest challenges for service members is figuring out how their military skills translate to civilian careers. Journeys Map not only helps veterans see exactly how their military experience can open doors to new opportunities in the civilian world, but with powerful tools like our Skills Matcher, they can align and translate their military skills to exciting new  careers. Additionally, our Interest Survey guides career seekers through a variety of exercises and experiences, helping them discover the career paths that best fit their interests and strengths. It’s more than just a job search; it’s about envisioning the entire path to make the transition smoother.

Helping Military Spouses and Their Children Thrive

Military life can be tough on families, especially when it comes to frequent moves. Journeys Map is designed to help both spouses and their children overcome these challenges. Our platform offers flexible, location-independent career options, so spouses can continue to thrive professionally no matter where they go. For military children, Journeys Map highlights essential resources to help them stay on track with their education. We’re always up to date with state career and education standards for every grade level and provide targeted resources for each required benchmark, helping students build confidence in their subject matter.

Guiding Students Toward Success

At Journeys Map, student success is at the heart of what we do. We understand that frequent relocations and school changes can disrupt a child’s educational journey leading to gaps in learning and a loss of confidence. That’s why we’ve designed our tools to help students not only catch up, but to excel. By providing resources that align with state standards and offering guidance tailored to each student’s unique needs, Journeys Map ensures that every child can achieve their academic goals, no matter where life takes them.

A Shared Commitment to Your Success

At Journeys Map, we’re proud to support the goals of National University in serving the military community. Together, we are committed to providing the resources that empower service members and their families. Whether it’s helping veterans transition into civilian careers or supporting military families through educational and professional disruptions, we’re here to make a positive impact on the lives of those who have served our country.

We are dedicated to making the journey from military to civilian life as smooth and successful as possible so military families can confidently take the next step in their professional and educational journeys.

Ready to take the next step in your journey? Sign up for a free trial and explore Journeys Map today to unlock your future!

Journeys Map: A Catalyst for Change in Cybersecurity

Did you know that only 24% of the cybersecurity workforce is female? This statistic highlights a significant gender gap in the industry. At Journeys Map, we’re committed to closing this gap and empowering women to pursue successful careers in cybersecurity.

Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) Event

Recently, I had the privilege of attending the Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) San Diego Speakers Series. This event was a powerful reminder of the importance of supporting women in tech and creating a more inclusive environment. The panelists offered invaluable insights into how organizations can foster diversity and inclusion in their cybersecurity teams.

Key Takeaways

  • Hire more women at all levels: Organizations need to actively seek out and hire women in cybersecurity roles, from entry-level positions to leadership roles.
  • Include diverse voices and perspectives: Creating a diverse team can lead to better problem-solving, innovation, and overall success.
  • Sponsor programs for women’s career growth: Offering mentorship programs, training opportunities, and networking events can help women advance their careers.
  • Partner with organizations like WiCyS: Collaborating with organizations dedicated to empowering women in cybersecurity can make a significant impact.

How Journeys Map Can Help

Journeys Map is a comprehensive career navigation tool that can help organizations develop and sustain cybersecurity employer engagement and talent pipeline management.

Here’s how we can support your efforts:

  • Identify and attract top female talent: Our platform can help you find qualified women candidates within and outside your organization ready to fulfill your cybersecurity needs.
  • Provide targeted career development resources: We offer a variety of resources, including assessments, access to skill-building opportunities, and technical training to support women’s career growth in cybersecurity.
  • Measure and track individual career goals and professional growth: Our analytics tools can help you monitor the progress of your employees as they develop their skills, explore career paths, and achieve their professional goals.
  • Support business growth: By creating personalized career maps for your employees, you can identify skills gaps within your organization and access qualified individuals to fill those roles. This helps you build a high-performing team and achieve your business objectives.

The involvement of women in cybersecurity is not just a matter of filling seats; it’s about leveraging women’s distinctive skills, perspectives, and values to enhance the field. Their participation is key to driving innovation, ensuring balanced decision-making, and building a resilient digital defense against cyber threats. By fostering a diverse and inclusive cybersecurity workforce, we can create a stronger, more effective, and more secure digital world.

By working together, we can create a more inclusive and equitable cybersecurity industry. Journeys Map is committed to empowering women and supporting organizations in their efforts to close the gender gap.

Contact our team to learn more about how Journeys Map can help your organization.

Advocating for Early Career Exploration

Have you ever stopped to think about how exploring career paths shaped your journey? During our middle school years, we are taught the importance of planning and goal setting, when our young minds are open to the endless possibilities and eager to explore the world we live in.

At this age, students should be encouraged to explore their career options to foster their curiosity, self-awareness, and interests. By encouraging young individuals to explore different career paths, we can empower them to make informed choices about their future and establish realistic goals.

According to a study conducted by the American Student Assistance® (ASA) and Education Strategy Group (ESG), a student’s academic performance, motivation, and overall job satisfaction can be greatly impacted by early exposure to a variety of occupations. By introducing students to a wide range of career options, we can help them discover their passions, strengths, and interests, setting them on a path towards success and fulfillment.

This is where Journeys Map can make a difference in guiding students in their career exploration. Journeys offers students a personalized roadmap that navigates them through different career paths based on interests, skills, and values. Journeys Map powerful data analysis capabilities match students with potential career options that align with their unique situation. Through interactive quizzes, resources, and real-world insights, Journeys Map enables students to make informed decisions about their future with confidence. Whether it’s diving into apprenticeships, exploring vocational training, or even dreaming up entrepreneurial ventures, Journeys is like a compass guiding students toward paths that truly speak to them.

In addition to beginning exploring career options earlier, school advisors need ways to connect better with their students. Advisors are reliable and essential guides when it comes to navigating the jungle of career discovery. They can help students confidently explore many career paths by utilizing Journeys as their companion. Journeys offers a vast array of resources so advisors can craft tailored guidance that aligns perfectly with each student’s dreams and abilities.  Using Journeys resources, advisors can help students in their own personal journey, whether it’s discovering a hidden skill or pursuing unusual career paths.

Advisors also face challenges in career guidance with high student-to-advisor ratios or limited time working with individual students. Journeys offers a solution to these challenges by providing advisors with resources to help personalize support, or even empower the students to navigate on their own.

One career that’s currently in high demand and sparking interests in middle schoolers is cybersecurity. As technology continues to shape our world, the need for cybersecurity professionals likewise continues to grow. To highlight this growing career path, Journeys partners with educational institutions like the Cyber Center of Excellence (CCOE) to offer virtual career exploration events. These events provide students with insights into the world of cybersecurity to potentially spark their interest in the field.

Many states are now recognizing the importance of earlier career exploration. In Indiana, the Commission for Higher Education has developed a Comprehensive Career Coaching and Navigation Framework that is focused on career exploration, engagement, and experience. Kentucky has also developed statewide efforts to support its advising needs. They offer the Kentucky Advising Academy (KAA) which includes a College and Career Advising Toolkit. This toolkit includes career exploration, financial aid and literacy, and information on postsecondary opportunities.

Middle school is a place where dreams begin to take shape. By emphasizing career exploration during this crucial time, we’re raising the next generation of professionals who are equipped to succeed in a world that is always changing, in addition to getting students ready for the workforce. 

Interested in seeing how Journeys can help your students on their career exploration? Journeys Map is free to try today! Explore the possibilities!