Journeys Map: A Catalyst for Change in Cybersecurity

Did you know that only 24% of the cybersecurity workforce is female? This statistic highlights a significant gender gap in the industry. At Journeys Map, we’re committed to closing this gap and empowering women to pursue successful careers in cybersecurity.

Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) Event

Recently, I had the privilege of attending the Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) San Diego Speakers Series. This event was a powerful reminder of the importance of supporting women in tech and creating a more inclusive environment. The panelists offered invaluable insights into how organizations can foster diversity and inclusion in their cybersecurity teams.

Key Takeaways

  • Hire more women at all levels: Organizations need to actively seek out and hire women in cybersecurity roles, from entry-level positions to leadership roles.
  • Include diverse voices and perspectives: Creating a diverse team can lead to better problem-solving, innovation, and overall success.
  • Sponsor programs for women’s career growth: Offering mentorship programs, training opportunities, and networking events can help women advance their careers.
  • Partner with organizations like WiCyS: Collaborating with organizations dedicated to empowering women in cybersecurity can make a significant impact.

How Journeys Map Can Help

Journeys Map is a comprehensive career navigation tool that can help organizations develop and sustain cybersecurity employer engagement and talent pipeline management.

Here’s how we can support your efforts:

  • Identify and attract top female talent: Our platform can help you find qualified women candidates within and outside your organization ready to fulfill your cybersecurity needs.
  • Provide targeted career development resources: We offer a variety of resources, including assessments, access to skill-building opportunities, and technical training to support women’s career growth in cybersecurity.
  • Measure and track individual career goals and professional growth: Our analytics tools can help you monitor the progress of your employees as they develop their skills, explore career paths, and achieve their professional goals.
  • Support business growth: By creating personalized career maps for your employees, you can identify skills gaps within your organization and access qualified individuals to fill those roles. This helps you build a high-performing team and achieve your business objectives.

The involvement of women in cybersecurity is not just a matter of filling seats; it’s about leveraging women’s distinctive skills, perspectives, and values to enhance the field. Their participation is key to driving innovation, ensuring balanced decision-making, and building a resilient digital defense against cyber threats. By fostering a diverse and inclusive cybersecurity workforce, we can create a stronger, more effective, and more secure digital world.

By working together, we can create a more inclusive and equitable cybersecurity industry. Journeys Map is committed to empowering women and supporting organizations in their efforts to close the gender gap.

Contact our team to learn more about how Journeys Map can help your organization.

Bridging the Gap: How Journeys Map Empowers San Diego’s Cybersecurity Workforce

San Diego’s reputation as a national leader in cybersecurity is well-established. The city boasts a booming tech sector, a wealth of job opportunities, and a constant demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals. However, this creates a challenge: employers struggle to find qualified candidates, while learners from diverse backgrounds seek clear pathways into this exciting field.

This was the topic of conversation on a recent episode of Spotlight on the Community, where Erin, Client Services Consultant, and Peter, CEO, from Journeys Map joined host Drew Schlosberg.

Here’s a look at the key points discussed:

Emerging Tech Opportunities for All

The good news is that cybersecurity offers career opportunities for individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Journeys Map highlighted the growing trend of mid-career transitions, where professionals from other sectors leverage their transferable skills to enter the cybersecurity field. Additionally, “gray collar” workers, those with valuable experience but lacking formal qualifications, can find pathways to build the necessary skills and certifications for cybersecurity careers.

The Employer’s Challenge & Journeys Map’s Solution

Filling high-paying tech jobs is a significant challenge for San Diego’s cybersecurity firms. According to the San Diego Cyber Cluster 75% of these companies struggle to find qualified candidates. This talent gap hinders economic growth and national security.

Journeys Map tackles this challenge by connecting employers with a wider pool of qualified candidates. The platform leverages AI-assisted skills and gap analysis to identify potential candidates with the right capabilities. Additionally, Journeys Map collaborates with learning providers to ensure that educational programs align with current industry needs, preparing graduates for success in the workforce.

Supporting Our Military and Building a Robust Talent Pipeline

The interview with Journeys Map emphasized their commitment to supporting San Diego’s unique cybersecurity ecosystem, with a particular focus on empowering transitioning military members:  

Empowering Military Transition:

Journeys Map understands the valuable skill sets veterans possess, from analytical thinking to cyber defense experience. Our platform helps translate those strengths into relevant cybersecurity qualifications, facilitating a smooth transition to rewarding careers. This in turn, develops a robust talent pipeline to support the military’s growing cybersecurity needs and strengthens our national security posture.

A Focus on San Diego’s Needs

Beyond military transition, Journeys Map offers additional solutions to address San Diego’s specific needs:

Building a Sustainable Pipeline:

The platform connects employers with a wider pool of qualified candidates, promoting long-term workforce sustainability for San Diego’s cybersecurity sector.

Empowering Learners, Employers, and the Community

By providing learners with personalized career journeys and insightful data-driven tools, Journeys Map empowers individuals to navigate the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape. Employers benefit from a wider pool of qualified candidates and a more efficient recruitment and retention process. Ultimately, this collaborative approach strengthens San Diego’s cybersecurity posture and ensures the region’s continued success in the digital age.

Are you interested in learning more about how Journeys Map can help you? 

Whether you’re a job seeker, employer, or educator, Journeys Map offers valuable resources and personalized support. Contact us to learn more today.