Elevating Your Career Exploration with AI: Journeys Map’s Latest Advancements

2023 was certainly a year to remember. From a technology point of view, there was no bigger story than the advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its myriad uses. While controversy exists, there is plenty of quality work being done to properly harness the technology for the betterment of all. We feel the advancements to our underlying systems fits this profile. 

As many know, Journeys Map leverages Education and CTE (Career and Technical Education) Standards to power our career pathways system. Like GPS guidance does for your car trips, Journeys Map works when a person provides their ‘current’ location (school, career, interests and/or skill base), and desired outcome — to map a path to the stated destination. The mapped directions include career information and the training and skills needed to reach the destination and find success. A challenge our technology team has faced in developing the map is finding a way to integrate the millions of existing CTE Standards while keeping up with the continual flow of updates and changes to them. In the past, there was lots of hands-on work required to make this happen, meaning it would be impossible to add all existing CTE standards to the system. However with machine learning and AI, that’s about to change.

Already familiar with Journeys Map’s innovative approach to career discovery?

Brace yourself for an even more personalized and data-driven experience with the incorporation of AI. Here’s a glimpse of what this groundbreaking development brings to the table:

1. Precision in Career Mapping:

Imagine a career exploration tool that not only understands your interests but also aligns them with your unique skill set. With the power of AI, Journeys Map is able to map every career journey, no matter how unique. This includes the ability to provide more accurate and tailored career recommendations.

3. Adaptability and Continuous Learning:

The job market is ever-changing, and so are the skills in demand. AI allows us to integrate the corresponding skill sets from every job posting, and match them to both the individual’s skills and the associated CTE Standard for a more precise skill match analysis.

4. Seamless User Experience:

Underscoring the importance of an enjoyable exploration, Journeys Map prioritizes a user-friendly interface. The incorporation of AI aims to enhance the platform’s intuitiveness, offering users the ability to effortlessly navigate their career paths, receive personalized recommendations, all within a streamlined and understandable interface.

Interested in learning more?

We invite you to experience Journeys Map through a free, no-obligation demonstration.

As we venture deeper into the intersection of technology and career exploration, Journeys Map is focused on the positive application of these amazing tools to assist in advancing each individual’s narrative and providing them with a more informed, personalized, and data-driven journey towards success.